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Mikey O.


Mikey O.
Last Active


  • @"Alex Divine" said: @"Mikey O." said: Being able to study 'Full Time'...must be nice. I'm just bitter and salty, ignore me. Ayeee! You're still in school so technically you can't ever really study "full-time" Though I will…
  • Being able to study 'Full Time'...must be nice. I'm just bitter and salty, ignore me.
  • @jknauf said: Personally, I bounce around when I drill. If I feel my LG or RC game is off, I'll focus on those sections for a little while and revert back to PTs when the time is right. Everyone is going to be different in regards to what they…
  • @"Heart Shaped Box" said: I wouldn't go as far as saying having/using supplemental materials is a "bad" idea, cuz it's somewhat subjective in my opinion, largely depending on the individual. I've seen ppl benefit from this approach, but I've a…